Wednesday, December 15, 2010

social network in me

i create this blogging thing since 2008. and i'm not that active to write all these thing. maybe i'm lazy too type. Okay lets start from Myspace, i started using Myspace since year 2006. i'm only 13 years old. haha. that time was amazing to have your own social network. Then, after seeing all my friends are active in the blogging thingy. so, i said, 'okay , lets give a try to this blogging thing'. then i started using it. At first, i got a load's of idea . but when started to type, all these ideas suddenly gone. jeng jeng jeng. So , i get bored with it,. Moreover, i ain't got any friends that i follow. so, i stop using it in early year 2009.

so, its 2009. where i'm still active in Myspace. so there's one social network called themself 'Facebook' . but first let me story to you about me and FB. i just created my account in FB for Fun in december 2008. and when i asked my friends at School if they have a FB just add me. hehe. So, i don't even know anybody here in FB. so i just captured one photo and just upload on FB. then. Theres the time in 2009. where people transfered from MS to FB. then, i ignored MS until now. never update anything on MS. and I'm A FACEBOOKER do add me . I started Bloggin at the end of year 2009. and still . I ain't got any idea so in the new year 2010 i End my blog. so, in this year 2010 onwards i'll try to write alot on Blog. because i find Blogging is actually cool. And I'm using FB, twitter . follow and add me. thank you for reading it. my pleasure.

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