Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Games and Sports

howdy ! i'll like to talk about some games that i love to play.

before i start i would like to ask you. DO YOU LIKE games? if you say NO, that's what we call bullshiting. haha
i know everyone in this planet love games. it is source of entertainment ! and there's a lot of type of games we can play it Online, or Just single play. And there's a hit-and-run game. this hit-n-run. its a game that we play for fun like in this website can play what we want to play. :)

Okay, now ITS my STORY! i love playing The Sims 2. not Sims 3 ( because gameplay too detail)
i LOVE to create a family in this game and make my generation till great great great grandchildren. LOL! and the other game is Fifa 2008 2009, 2010, 2011. its my favorite! i started playing FIFA when in the year i love football and Man Utd. its in the 2007. Gameplay Fifa 11 is the best ! and they make Man Utd a 5 star club. that's why i love it~! hehe

I love Playing & Practice Football! and i would love to play for A 'club'. i'll try to get fit and get noticed. so, i can be like Wayne Rooney one day :) okay. this all for me today. will update tommorow. :)

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